52st Year in Innovation and Technology info@sesa.com.tr +90 216 573 38 10

Quality is not a goal to be achieved but a process that requires continuous improvement and consistency. To this end, our company's quality policy aims to fully meet customer expectations with a sense of responsibility towards our employees, the environment, and society:

  • To provide our customers with safe, effective, and high-quality materials, and to deliver services with products that meet quality standards.
  • To ensure and enhance customer satisfaction through our product quality, technical support, and after-sales services.
  • To achieve continuous improvement with the conscious participation of our highly motivated and success-driven employees.
  • To work with mutual cooperation and trust with our partner firms and suppliers to increase our efficiency.
  • To continuously improve all processes affecting the success of our company and the quality of our products.
  • To enhance the individual contributions and skills of our employees through ongoing education.
  • To remain a leading organization in the sectors we operate in with our quality and service approach, and to sustain this leadership.
  • To continuously improve the Quality Management System and ensure compliance with standard requirements.
  • To fully comply with official and legal requirements.