52st Year in Innovation and Technology info@sesa.com.tr +90 216 573 38 10


Building on a foundation of aggressive, innovative research and development as a division of Becton Dickinson & Company, UreSil has become a rapidly growing company since becoming independent in 1986. Since then, it has expanded from a product development enterprise to a fully integrated development, manufacturing and distribution company possessing a global salesforce that is highly focused in procedural areas within Radiology and Surgery. For more than three decades, the company has transformed innovative ideas into high-quality, unique, medical products for use in interventional radiology and vascular procedures. Today UreSil is headquartered in Skokie, IL where all the product development and manufacturing is conducted.

In 2004 the company was purchased from the original owners in an employee buyout. Since then it has expanded sales and distribution both domestically and in international markets. Today UreSil is experiencing a significant increase in market demand that accompanies an expansion of GPO and IDN relationships. UreSil’s sales force consists of over eighty sales representatives in the continental US and over one hundred twenty additional representatives throughout all of the major world markets.